My Warrior Self
​Unit two will challenge students to discover what it means to be a warrior in their own lives. Students will understand that overwhelming obstacles, both personal and systematic, can occur in one’s life. Real-world warriors make the decision to face these obstacles head on and persevere through challenges in ways that have a lasting positive impact on themselves and others. Students will explore external and internal conflicts experienced as the real-world warriors persevere against overwhelming odds. By reading a variety of accounts of adolescent and adult real-world warriors who stood up for causes bigger than themselves, students will come to view themselves as individuals who can also champion a cause for the good of others and themselves. As students evaluate the accounts presented in each text, they will also be asked to consider the need to become a real-world warrior in their own lives. Synopsis District of Columbia Public Schools
Required Nightly Readings for Mrs. Peters-Bryant ELA 7 class.
Please be prepared to Analyze and Summarize during class
Pearl Harbor pg. 1
Epsons Salts pg.2
When Will Get a Chance to be in Charge? pg. 3
Park Hill, the merry-go-round pg. 4
Private Talks pg. 5
My Diary pg. 6
The Mystery of White Folk Expectation for Black people pg. 7
Mr. Wylan's Store pg. 8
The Overcharge pg. 9
Grandma India Attempt to Boycott pg. 10
Ethiopia to Streatch forth Her Wings pg. 11
May 17th 1954, Brown v. Board of Education Topeka, Kansas
The Teacher's Reaction pg.12-13
The Unthinkable pg.16
The Bath pg. 17
Grandma India and Dad's Reaction, pg. 18
Pray pg. 18
I Volunteered pg.19​
February 8th, 1956 pg. 20
Percentage Poll to accept integration pg,20​
Cincinnati pg.21
Thurgood Marshall and the NACCP pg. 22
The Little Rock Nine pg. 25-26
Segragationist and Intergrationist pg. 28
Mr. Higgenbottom and Grandma Protection pg.29
Faubus Call the National Guard to Keep School Segregated pg.30-31​
The Neighborhood Backlash pg. 34
The Angry Mob pg. 35
Elizabeth Denied Entrance pg.36
Elizabeth Bus Stop pg.37​
Melba's Mob pg.37
Soldiers Block Central Entrance pg. 42​
Melba Pains Life Changes-Community Center pg.44​
Vince pg. 45
Threatening Phone Calls & Stand Guard pg.46
President Eisenhower (Federal) & Govenor Faubus (State) Integration Cooperation pg. 48
Spending Quality Time with Grandma India and Vince pg.48-51​​​
My Girlfriend pg. 52
The Argument: Whether the State Government, Can Devy, the Federal
Courts Ruling-Summons Sent to Faubus from the President pg. 53
The Compromise Request from Govenor Faubus pg. 54
Little Rock Nine pg.56
Q & A Conference for the Little Rock Nine pg. 57
Melba Conference Confidence pg. 58
Not a Real Date pg.59
Fabus Continue to Fight Not to Integrate pg.60
Melba's Hopes of Meeting Governor Faubus pg. 61
My Dark Glasses pg. 62
The Courtroom pg. 63
Thelma Mothershed pg. 64
Tom Harper Represent Faubus pg. 65
Harper Argues Faubus will not Concede to the Federal Government pg. 65
Amicus Curiae pg. 66​
Lunch Time pg. 66
Ernest Green and Elizabeth Eckford Testify pg. 67
Judge Davies Renders a Decison pg. 68
My Cross Mark on the Calendar pg. 69
The First Day of School pg. 70
"Like Entering a Darkend Movie Theater" pg. 71​
The Angry Frenzy Continued and the Description of Cental High pg. 72
" You Wanted Integration....You Got Integration" pg. 73
Verbal Abuse and Assaults pg. 74
My Teacher Ignored Me pg. 75
The Gym Teacher pg. 76​
"God Never Loses One of His Flock" pg. 77
"We May Have to Let the Mob Have One of Those Kids" pg. 78
Mrs. Pickwick pg. 79
"They're Children" pg. 80
Gene Smith, Assistant Chief of the Little Rock Police pg. 81
The Great Escape pg. 82-83
Central High Under Siege pg. 84​
Live Viewing of the Unrully Mob pg. 85
"No Space for Me at Central High pg. 86
"The School Atmosphere was not Conducive to Study" pg. 87
" Two, Four, Six, Eight, We Won't Intergrate pg. 88
A Cooling off Period pg. 89​​
1200 Paratroopers pg. 90
" Mr. Faubus, the President has called Your Bluff" pg. 91
"A Message From Your President" pg. 92
"Different From Them" pg. 93
White People Horrified pg. 94
"Yes, This is the United States pg.95​
Melba, My Name is Danny pg. 96​
Diagramming Sentences pg. 97​
Mrs. Pickwick's Shorthand Class pg. 98​
The Cafeteria pg. 99​
Gym Class pg. 100​
" Don't Move, Stand Absolutely Still" pg. 101​
​Outrageous Behavior pg. 102
I Was Going Home pg. 103
"Are You Going Back Tomorrow?" pg. 104
My Color is Inconvient Right Now pg. 105
I hated the Peggy Sue Song pg. 106
She Spat in My Face pg.107
Report Assault to the Principal's Office pg.108
Duck and Scampered pg. 107
Unsympathetic Tone pg. 108
Weary, But I Must be a Soldier pg. 109
Danny & God: The Quiet Stairwell pg. 110
A Stick of Dynamite pg. 111
The Pep Ralley pg. 112
Training in Self Defense pg. 113​
No Longer Like My Friends pg. 114
J Edgar Hoover Angered by Faubus pg. 115
My First Date pg. 116​
Looked for Danny pg. 117​
National Guards Take Over pg.118
" Bombs Away" pg. 119
101st Was Brought Back pg. 120
A New Level of Restlessness pg. 121
Alkaline or Acid pg. 122
Danny Saved My Eyesight pg. 123
"Sadness and Exhaustion" pg. 124
Saint Andrew Cathedral pg. 125
Open Dialogue pg. 126
October 28 pg. 128
Disrepected pg. 129
Minnijean Musical Stage Performance pg. 130​
Stress and Uncessary Attention pg. 131
The Chapel Invitation pg. 132
Conrad's Stingy Ways pg. 133
Forego Segragationist Prosecution pg. 134​
I Spoke About God pg. 135​
Something in Common pg. 136
Integrated Turkey pg. 137​
Mind Your P's and Q's pg. 138
Danny Was Gone pg. 139
The Situation was Worsening pg. 140​
Sweet Sixteen pg. 141
Personal and Sacred pg. 142
Terms of Students pg. 143
"Long Time No See" pg. 144
"You'all Are Not Just One of Us Anymore" pg. 145
"Especially on Your Birthday" pg. 146
"Integration Stole My Sweet Sixteen" pg. 147
Tuesday Was Hot Chili Day pg. 148
"Minnijean Was Trapped" pg. 149
"She Done Got Herself Suspended" pg. 150
January 3rd, The New Year pg. 151
Delta Sigma Theta Sority pg. 152
Tonight I Feel Love From My Own pg. 153
Papa Will and Moma pg. 154
AP's Best List: launching of Sputnik, & President Eisenhower’s stroke pg. 155​
New Years Resolutions pg. 156​​
Coping Was Difficult pg. 157
Night Time Rally pg. 158
"Invisible for a Month or Two" pg. 159*
Good Idea pg. 160
Don't You Know I Love You? pg. 161
Sealed Envelope pg. 162
A Psychiatrist to Determine pg. 163
Dignity is a State of Mind pg. 164
Change the Rules of the Game pg. 165
Minnijean Expelled pg.166
Fabulous Opportunity pg. 167​
Field Day pg. 168
Thank You Andy pg. 169
Fighting In War Time pg. 170
“Hey, Melba, you gotta get out of here.” pg. 171
"My Name is Link, You're Gonna Get Us Both Killed" pg. 172
Saving Me One More Time pg. 173​
Whos Car is That? pg. 174
“You mean to tell me that car belongs to some Central High white boy?” pg. 175
Link's Car pg. 176
"He acknowledged me in some way" pg. 177
En Route to Lunch pg. 178
My Safe Seat Seemed to be a Trap pg. 179
Set Me Up for Explusion pg. 180
"I felt safer, even comfortable, as something inside me settled to its center." pg. 181
H"e’d help them get me later for sure" pg. 182
Links Motives pg. 183
He Was Taking a Bigger Risk pg. 184
A Bigger Trap for Me pg. 185
Link a Traitor or a Warrior pg. 186​
​Nylon Stockings and Little Heels pg. 187
Sacrafice List pg. 189
Traditional Senior Events pg. 190​
Don't Give Me That God Stuff pg. 191
The Election Pamphlets pg. 192​
“He isn’t for Race Mixing,"pg. 193
" Their Own Judge pg. 194​
The Mikado pg. 195
“The Meeting Proposal” pg. 196
I Lied pg. 197
"She’s been with me all my life.” pg. 198
“Nana, I want you to meet my friend Melba,” pg. 199
Mrs. Healy pg. 200
"Colored Folks are Used to Doing Without" pg. 201
" Team Grandma India and Link" pg. 202​
The Teaching Contract pg. 203
North Little Rock’s School Headquarters pg. 204
"Sitting and Wishing" pg. 205
“Withdraw From That School," pg. 206
"Too Uppity" pg. 208
All Apple pg. 209
Carrying Her Contract pg. 210
"More Like Eight Funerals" pg. 211
Ten Thousand Dollar's Reward pg. 212​
"Melba, You Don't Have to Integrate Anymore" pg. 213
Not Allowed to Attend pg. 214
Ernie Green pg. 215
Link's Grief pg. 216
Robert S.Abbot Award pg. 217
Govenor Faubus Last Words pg. 218
George and Carol McCabe pg.219
Forbidden Fences pg. 220
The Philosophical Difference pg. 221
"Costly to the Separator as to those who would be Separated." pg. 222